Once we have received the donation fee and a signed contract you will receive your dog's passport.
All dogs are registered to SFP before they reach the UK. Once the dog has been adopted we will change the details on the micro-chip to the new owners'. By law you must keep your personal micro-chip details up to date. Fines for not doing so are £500.

Safety information
Dogs rehomed by Serbia’s Forgotten Paws have been rescued from various situations in Serbia, from kill shelters to street dogs to those abused by their owners. When collecting your dog please bring an ID tag, a slip lead, a harness and short (not flexi) lead as well as either a crate or car safety harness. It may take a while for a dog to feel safe and learn the routine and getting to know its surroundings and you. Depending on said dogs personality and previous experiences it may take the opportunity to nip out any exit doors whether in the car or in the home. It is essential that the dog is restrained IE in another room with the door closed or have hold of dog on lead before exiting or entering the house or car.
Last date of worming can be found in your dog's passport “VII. Anti-echinococcus treatment” page. Serbian wormers last up to 3 months. Your vet will advise you on suitable products.
Flea treatment
Last date of flea treatment can be found in you dog's passport “VIII. Other anti-parasite treatment” page. Serbian Flea treatments last up to 4 weeks. Your vet will advise you on suitable products.
Annual vaccinations
Annual vaccinations can be found in your dog's passport “IX. Other vaccinations” page. Please register your new dog with your chosen vet ASAP. Your vet will then contact you when your dog's annual vaccinations are due.
Pet ID
It is the law for all dogs to wear an ID tag with your surname and an emergency contact number.
Pet insurance
Petplan has always proven to be a popular choice by many of our adopters. Please note it takes two weeks for your insurance to kick in. If you can afford it opt for “covered for life” policy it’s worth doing so.